Adventure Forest

// Who Multi-team project: A collaboration between the Children’s Museum of Denver’s Exhibit department, Bonsai Design, and artist Wes Sam-Bruce

// What A 500-ft aerial adventure course art immersion experience

// When Completed June 2019

// Where “Joy Park” outdoor space at Children’s Museum of Denver

// Why To give children (and adults!) a thrill-seeking adventure with a meaningful artistic narrative that invites them to step out of their comfort zones and experience something incredibly unique

all images credited to Andrew Han and the Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus

// How The seven person Exhibits department at the Children’s Museum of Denver worked for a year
to help bring Adventure Forest into reality up until and through the official opening. Our team worked
on every single part of the structure, and contributed to the completion in three main ways.
The first way was us designing, fabricating, and installing multiple interactive activities and minor
structural elements (like furniture pieces and other decorative objects) throughout the structure.
The second way was by “child-proofing” the structure as much as possible by smoothing edges,
rounding corners, installing wood cladding and netting in certain areas, and just ensuring the
overall experience for guests is inviting, interesting, and most importantly safe. The third way was
by working with the artist Wes Sam Bruce to both create objects and install those he had fabricated
himself to the outside, within, and around the entire structure. Our small team participated in every
step along the way while the challenge required that each of us wore many hats. The completed course
is a demonstration of our abilities as exhibit designers and fabricators to learn and adapt on the go.