Put Out The Fire

// Who Two-person project: I managed, designed, fabricated, and installed the interactive “Put Out The Fire” portion and assisted my partner with the steel structure and building fabrication and installation

// What A multi-level, steel fire escape interactive experience

// When Completed September 2019

// Where “Firestation No. 1” exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Denver

// Why To expand the role-play experiences within the exhibit and transform a previously uninspiring back corner of the exhibit space

// How At the time of this project, my limited experience with electronics was preventing me from creating the interactive experience I envisioned. I used this project as an opportunity to expand my electronics capabilities by learning how to use microcontrollers. After a few online courses and some proof-of-concept prototypes I was knowledgeable enough to successfully realize my original vision. For the “Put Out The Fire” interactive experience, each window contains a photoresistor (light sensor), and when the sensor receives a beam of light from the fire hoses, each containing a blue-colored flashlight, the microcontroller is told to turn off the fire. Guests only have five seconds to put out all four fires if they want to trigger the light celebration, or else the fire comes back!