Secret Library

// Who Collaboration: I designed, fabricated, and installed the interactive book game, others created the chandelier, and the artist Wes Sam-Bruce contributed his artwork

// What A puzzle-like game with seven unique interactive riddles

// When Completed June 2020

// Where The 1st bulb (Rainbow Room) inside the “Adventure Forest” exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Denver

// Why To transform this previously empty room into an engaging space that invites guests to tinker with the books and dive deeper into the story

// How I utilized an Arduino microcontroller and reed switches (magnet sensors) to power the interactive aspect of this exhibit. However, the most challenging part of this project was figuring out a way to seamlessly merge the electronic components into the mechanical movements for each of the seven book riddles . To solve this problem, I created a highly detailed 3D computer model which enabled me to work through each separate design challenge in 3D space and with exact precision.